За продан: Spacious 1 bed apartment next to Cabo de Gata national park
This 1 bed apartment has beautiful views to the pool and the sea beyond. The complex is situated right on the edge of Cabo de Gata national park.

The apartment is fully furnished ready to move in.
The tourist complex El Toyo,located between the city of Almeria and the Cabo de Gata National Park one of the most spectacular places in Southern Andalusia aims to promote an advanced sustainable complex dedicated to tourism and leisure, adapted to the demands of the new century.
With 260 hectares of beautiful buildings and a public investment of more than 60 million euros, El Toyo has at its disposal the best equipment and services which will turn it into the model to follow amongst tourist complexes in the 21st century. In this tourist compound the buildings have been finished off to a high standard, the open spaces are in contact with the sea, nature has been respected along with new technologies and there is an extraordinary offer of sport and leisure facilities.
In addition El Toyo will house the Villa Mediterranea which will be home to the more than 7000 judges and athletes who will take part in the 15th Mediterranean Games. The architecture chosen for the for the villa aims for the housing design to blend in with the landscape, patios and terraces to link the uneven ground and offer protection from the sun and flexible distributions with a diversity of possibilities for use after the Games. This transitory accommodation will be the corner stone for the future promotion of the complex.
Подобни резултати (12)
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