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Czech mortgages – LTV decreasing

News 2016-07-28 simontweddle

New rules being introduced by the Czech National Bank mean that soon Czech banks will no longer be legally able to offer 100% LTV mortgages (the…

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Real estate agents must change their thinking

News Philosophy 2016-07-28 simontweddle

Simon Tweddle: „ Applicants for a job in the real estate industry need to understand, that it´s not just buy – sell. A agent should first…

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What is Perpetual usufruct in Poland?

Know-how 2016-05-09 annagrybelkloc

Perpetual usufruct (right of perpetual usufruct, RPU) is the English-language term often used by Polish lawyers to describe the Polish version of public ground lease. It…

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Czech Company Databoxes

Know-how 2016-04-14 simontweddle

This article is only relevant if you own a Czech property via a Czech company. A Czech databox („datová schránka“ in Czech) is the electronic method…

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How to change the bank account where the tenant pays the rent in the Czech Republic?

Q: What do you need to do if you want/need to change the bank account where the tenant pays the rent which is different than that…

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Why buy property in the Czech Republic?

Not only have we had record temperatures this July in the Czech Republic, but the property market is Prague continues to get hotter and hotter. For…

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Czech property tax overview

This article gives an overview of the main taxes that a property owner would need to deal with in the Czech Republic. Personal tax number Property…

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Czech property sales tax

Know-how 2016-04-01 simontweddle

UPDATE: this article is now redundant as the property sales tax has been converted into a buying tax from 1.11.2016. When selling a property in the…

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How to avoid high Czech mortgage redemption penalties

Know-how 2016-04-01 simontweddle

How to avoid high Czech mortgage redemption penalties At Sim Property we’ve done a lot of sales over the years for our clients throughout the Czech…

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Max LTV decreasing for mortgages in Germany

News 2016-03-09 simontweddle

The max LTV for foreigners looking to get a mortgage in Germany is currently 70%, however, due to changes in the mortgage laws this will decrease…

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